Promote Special Offers and Increase your Sales.

Publish your discounts and offers to connect your business with more than 360,000 Hispanic people in Phoenix who are looking for services like yours.

How does the offer website work?

Post your offers or promotions on the only digital marketplace in Phoenix where the Hispanic community discover the best deals and save on:

Home products and services

Bars, restaurants, Coffee shops

Professional services


Health Services

Servicios Legales

Take the next step to grow your business

New Buying Trends

Your shoppers are digital. Join this trend and advertise your promotions.

Build Customer Loyalty

Discount coupons are a good alternative to reinforce the relationship with your customers and offer them additional value.

Attract New Customers on the Hispanic market

Promoting your products or services on our platform will increase the reach of your business with new customers.

Pricing Plans

4 Weeks


* If your offer depends on inventory or has a shorter expiration date, we recommend you have  an additional offer that can take its place for the reminder of the period.*

8 Weeks


* If your offer depends on inventory or has a shorter expiration date, we recommend you have  an additional offer that can take its place for the reminder of the period.*

12 Weeks


* If your offer depends on inventory or has a shorter expiration date, we recommend you have  an additional offer that can take its place for the reminder of the period.*

Your offers will be promoted for as long as you decide.


Be part of the only marketplace in Phoenix with digital discount offers and coupons in all industries.

10,000 SMS per month promoting the digital coupon website.

Get access to a database of Latino users interested in your products or services.

Print advertising in Segunda Mano Magazine, with a reach of 360,000 Latinos in Phoenix.

What do I need to publish my offers?

1. Complete the Form

Complete the form with the information about the offer you want to promote. It is important that you include all the necessary information to redeem your offer. Our team will review the information obtained and begin the process to upload your offer to the site.

2. Make your Payment

Receive assistance from a member of our sales team to finalize your payment according to the promotion package you selected. * If you are already a client of Segunda Mano Magazine or Más Vale Saber, request your free 4-week trial *

3. View your Offer

Once you make your payment you can expect to see your active offer on the site in no more than 4 days. You will receive a confirmation email with the day your offer became active and its expiration date. One week prior to the expiration of your offer, you will receive follow-up from our sales team to offer you renewal of your offer or load a new one.


About 72 hours. When your offers are published, we will notify you.

No, one of the conditions we ask is that your offers are exclusive to the platform.

The plan is for one offer per business, although, we ask businesses to have another one lined up for emergencies.

Make sure it has a title, description, the location where the coupons are valid, on which products it is applicable, and the limitations or conditions of use.

We recommend the value of your offer be equivalent to $20 or 15% off the regular price of your product or service to attract more people to your business. The services offered will be required to be within the corresponding legal margin.